0 (113) 873 0542

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Frequently Asked Questions

Following are the question mostly ask by user, we mentioned belwo

Each lock will differ with the number of keys that it comes with, but you should expect to get 2-3 new keys with the installation of a new door lock by an expert Locksmith. Again, it is always best to check the number of the keys with your Locksmith in case you will need extra copies.

All work carried out by a 151 Locksmith, including any parts supplied comes with a year guarantee.  Any professional Locksmith should give you a variation of a guarantee to ensure that all work is completed correctly.

A door lock for commercial structures has a higher rating than a residential lock. There are three grades for all locks, where Grade 3 includes all residential locks. They are simply utilized for areas that do not accept a lot of access, such as break rooms and supply closets.

To become a Locksmith, you need a high level of technical skill and expert knowledge of a wide range of lock assemblies and other security devices. Good hand-to-eye coordination.

Secure your home with 151 Locksmiths Limited.